My friend Eliyah, who comes to visit me after school some days, very kindly volunteered to help with the Easter eggs. These raw eggs have leaves and flowers plastered to them and are encased in an old stocking. We laughed at how funny they look!
Here they are in the pans.
Now they are simmering in food coloring water.
And here they are, along with some others Elyah has decorated with some store dye.
We had our Easter family meal yesterday and I was having so much fun that I forgot to take any pictures. I did make the menu that I had planned, Tien Momo which are steamed bread rolls, (with two dipping sauces, Aioli, and sour cream with dill and onion), African pumpkin and peanut soup, Pork sesame noodles, corn on the cob, my Daughter-in-law's delicious salad and then Baklava and also Cupcakes with violets on them, made by my Daughter. Today there is no cooking, as there is plenty left as well as eggs and candy. I loll on the Sofa with a good (English-setting) book and receive phone calls from my seven adult children. Happy Easter to you all!
I love violets!! Eliyah looks like he takes his egg decorating very seriously. Happy Easter! --Christine, who is ever so much more so glad that you are in her life!!!!!!