Sunday, September 18, 2011

September is the harvest season

These vegetables cost me $5 at a roadside stand: 4 giant tomatoes (each one weighs about 12 ounces), 3 red peppers, 3 zucchini, and 5 baby pumpkins!  I love this season.  We stopped at the orchard below Bedford and bought a peck of apples too.  I had a new recipe for "Paper Bag Apple Pie".  But it called for boiled cider.  So Eliyah and I stopped at the store and bought some apple juice and I boiled it down to a thick syrup in a crock pot.  We made the pie the next day and Eliyah and his mother took some home. It was very good but rather a lot of trouble.  The topping was streusel rather than strips of pie crust.  The paper bag we baked it in became very browned and smelled of burning paper!          

In this lovely weather, I like to hang out the laundry.  The whites I hang in the sun on my umbrella line which I installed in the back yard myself 10 years ago, using a bag of cement that can be mixed right in the hole to set the pipe in.  In the winter the whole top portion can be brought in, folded and stored in the garage.  A good thing to do because now-a-days a sooty coating appears on the rope that comes off on your whites and has to be scrubbed off very vigorously because it doesn't come out of the clothes at all. I don't remember that from all the clothes lines in my childhood!  The darks I put on a folding rack on the front porch.  They don't need any sunlight to fade them.  I like the smell of outdoors and the faint stiffness in the fabric. Too, sunlight is the best disinfectant of all and completely non-toxic.

Here are the menus for the week:
Sunday:  Boneless pork chops, dressing, sliced tomatoes, corn, the last of the pie
Monday:  Pasta with red sauce, tossed salad, dark chocolate
Tuesday:  Hot dogs, cottage fried potatoes, steamed broccoli, dark chocolate
Wednesday:  French bread pizza, ice cream
Thursday:  Hamburgers, garlicky broiled potato wedges, sliced tomatoes, last of the ice cream
Friday, Chili, cheese sandwiches, tomato slices, if there are any more, canned peaches
Saturday:  Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, Home canned green beans, canned peaches


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