Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Happy Mother's Day

I decided to have a happy Mother's day by making a big deal over the things that Mothers do. Like cooking, cleaning up the kitchen and straightening up.  Accordingly I asked my Husband to take me out to dinner on Saturday evening, which he did.  We went to Outback and ordered the small sirloin.  It was delicious!  It was only when the check came that we realized that we had been eating the Filet Mignon!  They admitted they had made a mistake and only charged us for the little sirloins which was very satisfactory to us!  So on Mother's day I made a lovely breakfast, omelettes full of cream cheese and mushrooms and the wicked and forbidden buttermilk biscuits.  Note my lovely Mother's Day flowers on the table!
Then I made a cream sponge cake.  I had saved up extra eggs. The recipe was in one of my favorite cookbooks.  I carefully followed all the directions (not something I always do).

It is a cream sponge, one whips up the eggs, adds the flour and sugar, but just half as much as the other recipes.  It ends with  boiling water and is then so done that it only requires 15 minutes in the oven and consequently is not dry like most sponge cakes.  The flavorings were ground nutmeg and lemon peel!

 I had never used ungreased waxed paper before in the pan but I suppose that since it was only in the oven 15 minutes not too much wax ended up on our stomachs.
 The paper peeled right off.
It was presented on a pretty little tray perfectly plain.  At the table I spooned the vanilla flavored custard over each piece.  It was absolutely delicious.

The supper was Martha Stewart's Mother's Day luncheon, Shrimp Stew with flower bedecked salad on the side and wine to drink.  I am afraid however that after all that glorification of Mother's work, I left the dishes in the sink until Monday!
All day I chatted on the phone with my children and friends, received gifts of flowers, gift certificates, a lovely bowl for Mary Lincoln's what-not, Oh just a host of lovely things, Thank you all, It was a pleasure!

A beautiful horn bowl sits on top of Mary's what-not.  Note that the plate is in a rack for better display.

Today I made a table-topper out of a sample I got in one of my gift boxes and picked the finally blooming iris in my yard.  The Mother's Day flowers lasted a week and a half!


  1. Sounds like you had a great day, Ana!

  2. This makes me hungry!

  3. Mom! Loved the post, and the bowl looks fantastic! Love you!
