Sunday, March 25, 2012


     I have been rearranging the house and conducting some general spring housecleaning.  The table is gone from in front of the stove.  The insulating layers are gone from the picture window and I have put the house plants there to catch a little sun.
     Last weekend we stayed at the Canyon Inn  at McCormick's Creek State Park.  There was a tool show there but I enjoyed other things.  In the Nature Center was a Bird Room, where we could sit and watch the antics of birds, squirrels and chipmunks unseen.  Then in the lobby of the Inn there is a red-eared slider in a large tank.  I am sorry I did not take a picture of him, I thought him charming.  He is a turtle!  But lest you think turtles boring I hasten to add that this one has personality.  When I peered at him, hovering over his tank he paid no attention but when the Ranger came to feed him he obviously recognized her and began to wiggle and try to climb the glass.  She fed him tadpoles and he was entertaining to watch, catching them.  He never took his eye off the one he was pursuing, backing up to make another attempt on one who was too fast for him.  He ate 21 and was satisfied at last and went to take a nap on Sunday afternoon.
     So I wanted to make a bird room of my own.  I moved furniture out and added all my house plants as a screen.  Not as many birds are coming as will once they have all discovered my largess.

No birds yet!
      I've had to rearrange my shopping too.  A low carbohydrate diet is not so easy to achieve.  And looking for direction, I got a book at the Library that was rather extreme.  But I gave it a try.  And my blood sugar went up, not down.  My Doctor was more helpful the second time around and now I am doing a "modified" low carb diet.  Whew!  Still, I've made changes.  Bought more meat, real Mayo, real cream for my coffee.  It blew the budget out of the water but I am learning ways to do it.  

 These items as well as a large quantity of meat have added $60 to our monthly expenditure.  I am beginning to find some new recipes to try.  The best so far is Asian pulled chicken, with a few snow peas and lots of mushrooms, ginger and soy sauce, hot peppers too!  A lunch time special is tuna salad with celery sticks instead of bread.  Very good.

      The last rearranging has been to my loose leaf binder where I store recipes I print off of the Internet.  Labeled dividers became necessary as well as jettisoning some high carb desserts.  And when I put the plants in the bird room I found room for more miniature displays, as you see.  Next time I'll show you what I have added in more detail!

Friday, March 16, 2012

If this is spring, I have survived!

This great poster is by my friend Josh Johnson and it advertises his upcoming show in Indy.  I fell in love with this fox immediately!

It's so warm here, all the records are falling, 80, even 82 in March!  I have gone right out and bought some lettuce seed.  My bed is all ready as I put down black plastic last summer.  I have already planted some Rose of Sharon seed I found in seed pods on the way home from digging up cedars along the 4-lane.  My white pines are slowly dying, either from old age or because we found and repaired the water leak among them.  Pines are not doing so well these days anyway, I can't tell if it's a mite or some defoliant, it depends on where you get your news.  I thought I'd replace some of the dead trees with cedars, which are hardy and drought resistant.  We had so many in Virginia when I was growing up, I quite think of them as old friends.  And free.  I just dug up the 3" ones that have come up on the wide verge since the last mowing.  Anything bigger than that is too hard to dig up, the tap root is very long.

I am having sort of a crises with food since finding out I am diabetic.  Books and internet sites are confusing, and my Doctor seems to wish I would just stop eating anything at all.  "Just leaves and stems and things like that" he said to me last week.   "If you didn't eat anything at all these problems would all be gone in a week" !
So I won't be having any menus for this week.  I am struggling with carbohydrates, which I have pretty much lived on all my life, and the expense of buying much larger portions of meat and fresh vegetables.  I suspect I will have to go back to once a week shopping.  My own attitude is the biggest problem.  I dream of stuffing on strange cakes, swimming in chocolate syrup and mountains of ice cream. I am angry about a lack of buttermilk biscuits and sausage gravy. However, larger spinach omelets are OK  and the prospect of frequent guacamole is enticingI can have cream and mayonnaise, if in small quantities.
Thank goodness for friends who share their knowledge and experience with me.  I am still doing research and will fill you in as I become more educated.