This Christmas I'm embarking the long-planned and still very exciting doll project. . . I'm making a long winter scene from Laura Ingalls Wilder's writings. There has been a flurry of collecting and making and assembling things. The bespoke dolls are being bespoke, as we speak! Today I have pictures of Ma, still in her underwear and that only partially finished but you'll get to make her acquaintance.
She is wearing a petticoat made of fine linen and hemstitched but old and worn. Remember the brown and red shawl she got at the Christmas party at the church the year before? I haven't hemmed it yet. Note the lovely dresser, restored by the resident restorer, Bill. All the items are quarter size, that is 1/4 our size.
On the dresser is Ma's knitting basket. Don't you think her hands are beautiful?
And on the bed is the fabric for her dress, ready to be cut out. On the dresser are some quilt squares. Note the chamber pot under the bed!
Here are the packing case kitchen shelves, with their dishes, jars and pans. See the coffee grinder on the top? Ma's and Mary's rocking chairs stand ready.
I plan to make a new what-not but this little one is making do right now. The clock works, the little flowered box is not really right but the spotted dog is exactly right! Leaning against the bottom shelf is an 1881 calendar which is actually a trade card from 1881.
Stay tuned for more progress reports!