Tim Puro invited us over to see a beautiful secretary he's been working on, the one Bill worked on the locks for. I say Birthday because someone gave "birth" to it nearly 200 years ago and Tim restored it for another long segment of time. A rebirth, if you will. I had seen it before but never in so polished and beautified condition. While I was there he showed me a chair wholly decorated with faux graining to look like rosewood. A comb was used on the legs but the back was done with brushes by hand and a lovely job they did too!
I can't wait to try this out on something, as soon as it gets warm enough to work in the garage.
While we were out running errands Thursdays we accidentally stopped at Blue Moon Consignment Shop. There I found a quarter size dresser just right for Ma in the long winter. We brought it home and found that the backsplash was loose. So great was my enthusiasm that we commenced to fix it right on the breakfast table, even in the kitchen amongst the dirty dishes. A few tense moments when the tiny clamps slipped and we resorted to giant rubber bands. Whew! There's never a dull moment around here!
It's just the right size for Ma and I am already thinking of the things I need to make to put in the drawers. Red flannel long underwear, bloomers, stockings, night gowns and bed caps, for starters.
Here is an item from my able assistant:
"Today me and Ana went to Spring Mill Park and walked in the woods. It was a very lovely day and the birds were out and we walked all the way to the road on trail number three which was a long way for Ana to walk. Then we walked back to the car to have a little snack before heading into the village. We noticed a cave that was not mentioned in the map so we thought maybe it had not been discovered yet. Or it might have been a small crack, (sigh). This is my report, Eliyah"
Last thing, I want to show you the orchid, which has four flowers open now and three more to go!
This has cheered me up no end!
It turns out that I am allergic to carpet beetles. Nobody else here is, just me. And how allergic! Big red welts and how it itches! But we have learned that a thorough cleaning and vacuuming reduces the chances of my having a new crop of welts considerably. So once a month now, I deep clean. Move all the furniture, vacuum all the carpet, mop all the floors. Fresh sheets every few days. The Victorians would consider that the bare minimum of house cleaning, I'm sure. Last week I did all that. I was a cleaning fiend. And afterward, I got my self a prize. Some "Nick and Nora" Pajamas. Extra Large, but of course they lied. They almost fit but were too tight in places. I was undismayed. I added large white gussets where space was needed and now they fit perfectly. These are really Spring time pajamas. Notice that some of the birds are reading books, truely these are Ana Pjs.

At Christmas, the people who supply me with eggs gave me a sweet squash, which I kept on the counter as a decorative element. Then I decided to use it. I baked it whole, cut it in half, cleared out the seeds and mashed up the pulp. I was surprised how sweet it was. Some I ate on the spot. The rest was made into a curried soup with some chicken and broth and served with chicken salad with grapes and pecans. What a lovely lunch to have in winter with a friend. Afterward we went to Spring Mill Park for an early look around. Luckily it was almost warm that day.

Bill and I often talk about Little House subjects, especially when we are working on a project or reading a related book. Right now I'm reading Little House, Long Shadow by Anita Clair Fellman. Such analytical books often bring out my most argumentative side, believe me! I am loath that any criticism be leveled at my heroine Laura. So it is not surprising perhaps, that Bill has dreamed about the Ingalls. He woke up this morning talking about a restaurant dedicated to the Little House Books. So I got busy and made up a menu. It was a good excuse to make biscuits for breakfast too!
Now all I have to do is win the lottery to open a half dozen or so Restaurants!
The last bright thing is this, after all these weeks, the orchid is finally beginning to bloom! One wouldn't have thought it would stay in the bud so long! The last picture I took for you was a month ago!
I am so happy it's March and almost not Winter any more!