Will this snow never end? Every day we tune to the weatherman to hear about more snow. I have not been running to the grocery to stock up each snow because we have gone to once a month shopping. Well, almost a month. I can't seem to reach 30 days, and only have made 28 days once. But I keep trying. It's just there are certain things we haven't the moxy to do without. Coffee, soft drinks, dish detergent, toilet paper. Other things, we do without fine. If we run out of bread, I just make biscuits. Paper napkins, we use cloth ones. When snacks dwindle, I make graham crackers, always a hit around here. I really thought we were going to make it this month. Until the snow prediction. The weatherman changed his numbers about 11 pm, going from a "dusting of snow" to "2 to 4 inches". We had planned to go the the store the next day. I thought about slogging through the snow with a months worth of groceries. "Hey!" I said to my husband, "what say we go the the store now"? He was working on something in the back room. He mumbled something which I interpreted as "Naaaaaa, not now". So I went on watching tv. An hour later he came in and said "Yes, I think we should go now". So we did. At midnight. The store was deserted. Fresh vegetables had not been restocked. We had two carts. When we got to the checkout, there were no clerks. It seems we were expected to use the automated checkout. Which I had never done before, preferring to be waited on by a real live person. That was a new experience. It's obvious that the automatons were never intended to process a months worth of groceries because there isn't enough space to bag all that stuff. But when you remove a bag the machine gets upset and says, out loud, "please replace the object on the shelf" and becomes reluctant to scan the next object. So it took us some time. But in the middle of the night, I found I was less concerned about what time it was. We were having fun, and getting away with a con on the snow, for isn't it just trying to get us snowbound without coffee in the pantry?
So here are all the groceries, except a large box of mushrooms, which we seem to have lost on the way home. |
The pantry is restocked except for potatoes, in the left basket, I still have a few to use up. The new ones, ten pounds worth, will be put in the back room, which is cool. |
The fridge is full again. Don't forget that there is another cabinet full of home canned things, which you have seen a picture of earlier. |
I keep a lot of things in glass though I am not a plastic-free household yet. Plastic bags are the hardest to stop using, I think. It was easy to go to glass jars for leftovers. On the left are the salad makings, in a vintage glass pan with a removable handle. The cheese keeper lived for decades in a high cabinet where I put things I never intended to use. It's great for keeping cheese in all the time. It's already sliced for convenience. |
So we are ready for another month. Another month of snow, if that happens. We have plenty of wood for our wood-burner too so let the cold winds howl! We had our favorite omelet this morning, without the mushrooms but so what. At least we had coffee. And a new recipe for an artisanal bread that I got at another blog, can't remember which one now, that turned out great though it's a very plain one, all technique and smoking hot pans in the oven.
I think it's just one more month of winter and I can begin to watch for spring. Yea!